Darl is my brother. Darl went crazy.
The walk is harder than sitting on the ground. He comes to the door. "You want something?" he says. His head
is slick. Jewel's head is not slick. Cash's head is not slick. Darl he went to Jackson my brother Darl
In the street somebody ate a bananna. Wouldn't you rather have banannas? Dewey Dell said. You wait
till Xmas: it'll be there then. Then you can see it. So we are going to have some banannas. We are going to
<"Wouldn't you rather have banannas?" Dewey Dell said.>
have a sack full, me and Dewey Dell. He locks the door. Dewey Dell is inside. Then he [cuts?] off the
He went to Jackson. He went crazy and went to Jackson both. Lots of people didn't go crazy. <They [were?]>
Pa and Cash and Jewel and Dewey Dell and me didn't. We never did go crazy. We didn't go to Jackson,
either. Darl
I hear the cow a long time, clopping on the street. Then she comes into the square. She goes across the square,
her head down. She lows. There wasn't anything in the square before, <now it was emptier than> but it wasn't
empty. Now it is empty. The cow goes on, her feet clopping. She lows. My brother is Darl. He went to Jackson
on the train. He didn't go on the train to go crazy. He went crazy in our wagon. Darl She has been in
there a long time. And the cow is gone. She has been in there longer than the cow was. Darl is my brother
My brother went