“A Rose for Emily”
Detail: page 15, carbon typescript. Transcription follows image.
Detail: Page 15, Rose for Emily Ts
William Faulkner Foundation Collection, 1918-1959, Accession #6074 to 6074-d, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections,
University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.   [Item Metadata: "A Rose for Emily," Carbon typescript, 17 p. (17 R, 0 V) on 17 l.]


have neither to worry nor lift your hand as long as you live?"

    "I dont want nothing," the negro said. "I'm going to
the poorhouse. I already told them."

    "Well," Miss Emily said. She had not moved her head,
not moved at all. "Do you mind telling me why you want to go
to the poorhouse?"

    Again he mused. The room was still save for their brea
ing: it was as though they had both quitted all living and all
dying; all the travail of mortality and of breath. "So I can
set on that hill in the sun all day and watch them trains pass.
See them at night too, with the engine puffing and lights in
all the windows.

    "Oh," Miss Emily said. Motionless, her knotted hands
lying on the yellowed coverlet beneath her chin and her chin
resting upon her breast, she appeared to muse intently, as
though she were listening to dissolution setting up within her.
"Hah," she said.

    Then she died, and the negro met the first of the la-