Manuscript, page 134. Transcription follows image.
Page 134, Sanctuary Ms
William Faulkner Foundation Collection, 1918-1959, Accession #6074 to 6074-d, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections,
University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Va.   [Item Metadata: IA:6) SANCTUARY Autograph manuscript. 138 p. (137 R, 1 V) on 137 l. Slipcase. ]



June 28

Dear Horace — <I cant do as you asked.>

"I received your letter. <They took that man away. They were getting ready to lynch
him, Isom said. So they took him away. So Jefferson is spared that. The ones> Your message to that
woman I cut off and mailed to her at the jail. I imagine she got it. They look the man away
the day after you left. They were getting ready to lynch him, Isom said. So Jefferson is spared that, at
least. Why they'd want to I cant see, as he's going to be hung anyway.
[margin: So you can save hiring another lawyer.]

"Bory has been quite ill. Sundy will let him eat green fruit. A nigger is the ruin of
any white child. I dont know what to do with Sundy, Miss Jenny is so crotchety about the darkies.
She is as usual. She sends her love.

"I'm glad to hear you have decided not to leave anymore. I think that is wise.
Belle is only 38. She might not be there when you come back next time.
