Cumulative Location Search
Location Name: this is the unique name DY assigns to a location, which Faulkner may name or refer to with more than one name. For example, Jefferson’s Drugstore appears in 14 texts, variously as Drugstore, Drugstore|Music Store, Christian’s Drugstore, West’s Drugstore and, once, Jefferson Drugstore. All these names are included in the Cumulative Location entry that the engine will return. Even if you’re looking for a single place, like the Jefferson Railroad Station, we suggest beginning with a more generic term like “Railroad” here, and as you type, the program will list all your options under that term – including the stations in Mottstown and Oxford. If you don’t find anything, try another generic term, or leave this blank and search for your target using the other filters.
The Geographical Region field correlates with the way Locations are plotted on the maps of each text. You can discover, for example, to what parts of the “World” outside the U.S. Faulkner’s imagination travels in the Yoknapatawpha fictions. Or how many of the fictions’ 5 dozen “Cabins” are located in Jefferson. Or how comparatively few locations can be found in the “Southwest” corner of the county. If you don’t select any particular region, the results of your search will display all fields.
Under Map Icon you’ll find a pull-down menu of the 15 broad categories we created to display Locations on the maps we created for the texts, allowing you to search just for "Office/store," for example, or "Public Building." DY’s program plots everything that happens on one of our maps, so you can even use this field to search for Events that do not occur at an identifiable structure, like a spot on a road or in the woods.
The Type field allows you to search Locations more specifically: "Doctor's Office" or "Drugstore," for example, and "School" or "Jail." The dozens of types you can search for - listed alphabetically from "African Country" to "Yard" - will display differently with different browsers. If you're using Safari, you can click on the triangle to bring up the list. Chrome and IE users: click inside the box to bring up the triangle, and on the triangle to see the list. On Firefox: the first click inside the box displays recent searches; double click and (if necessary) scroll down past the horizontal line to bring up the full menu of Types. On all browsers you can also type directly into the box; if the type you're looking for is on the list, the program will help you find it. For example, “Country Road” and “Woods|Wilderness” are on the list, but “Road” and “Forest” are not. “Road,” however, will bring up “Country Road.”
Description: Search for a word or phrase within the descriptions of each Location written by the DY editors. “Dust” or “pave” will give you some examples of what you can find. The more open you make your term, the more likely you are to find anything. “Pave” returns 19 results; “pavement” only 1.
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