The Hamlet, 312 (Event)

Page Number: 
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First 8-10 words of event: 
A small commotion set up among the ponies
Page Event Ends: 
Turn of the Century (1890-1913)
Characters Mentioned: 
Narrative Status: 
Monday, April 3, 1899 to Sunday, April 30, 1899

Checked 1/2/2017 JB


In the barn, Buck pours the shell corn into the trough for the ponies. The first of the herd reacts with a "single snort of amazed horror," followed soon after by the loud "crack" of a wooden plank and then the "loud fury" of the herd so that the "entire interior" of the barn "exploded into mad tossing shapes" (312). The men turn from the doors and run for the wagon. Eck follows them, but turns to see his son still peering through the knot-hole in the barn door, which is destroyed as the herd rushes into the fenced-in lot outside. As the ponies scatter furiously into the lot, Eck can see Wallstreet once more in the self-same position, "unscathed, his eye still leaned to the vanished knot-hole" (313). Eck shouts to his son, and Wallstreet runs for the wagon with the ponies galloping about him. His father reaches out and pulls the boy into the wagon bed beside him. As he begins to scold the boy, the men intervene, saying that it is not only their fault, but the work of Buck who appears at the smashed door of the barn.

Chronological Order: 
Indeterminate Date Range: 
Actions: Swarming; Themes: Nature, Wildness, Danger; Relations: Father and Son; Objects: Shell Corn; Animals: Pony
