Hollywood, California in The Mansion (Location)
"Hollywood," where Faulkner often worked as a screenwriter during the 1930s and 40s but where he never felt at home, is used several times as a point of reference in The Mansion (392, 394). It is also the place where "the only sister of old Major de Spain" lives with "her only child" (463), and more pointedly, the place where Montgomery Ward Snopes, who imported French pornography into Yoknapatawpa, is last seen, "engaged in some quite lucrative adjunct or correlant to the motion picture industry" (404). Additionally, Linda Snopes tells Gavin in chapter 10 that she wants to leave Jefferson to take up "a job, in a factory in California where they make aircraft" for the war effort (271); by the early 1940s there were a number of aircraft plants in Southern California, and thousands from elsewhere migrated to the area to work in them - but Linda, it turns out, never goes west.
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