Jefferson Cemetery in The Town (Location)
Like many other characters in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, two characters in this novel end up buried in the town cemetery. Eck Snopes, or all that was recovered of him - the neck brace that is found "hanging in the telegraph wires about two hundred yards from where the tank had been" (116), is laid to rest here by the Masons in charge of the funeral (117). Eula Varner Snopes is also laid to rest there, in a "new" section in that is "empty except for the one raw excavation" (360). Later, Flem Snopes erects a column that features a sculpture of Eula's face carved in Italy that stands "at the head of that one grave that hadn't quite healed over yet, looking - the stone, the marble - whiter than white itself in the warm October sun against the bright yellow and red and dark red hickories and sumacs and gums and oaks like splashes of fire itself among the dark green cedars" (372).