Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha
Consisting of "the old men and the women and the children," and the blacks who were present in the earlier story "The Unvanquished" and "a hundred more besides" (97), this group of unnamed mourners attend Granny's funeral. Bayard consistently refers to them as "hill people" to distinguish them from Jefferson townspeople. In particular the "hill men with crockersacks tied over their heads" to shelter them from the rain are contrasted with the "town men with umbrellas" (98). These are the folk whom Granny helped in the earlier story "The Unvanquished"; in "Vendee," they give the pursuers the mules they ride in the quest to avenge her death. Bayard notes that from these people "we could have raised a cavalry regiment" for that purpose: "with cotton bagging and flour sacking for uniforms and hoes and axes for arms" (102).