Courthouse and Square in "Hair" (Location)
"The square" that the narrator sees outside the window of Maxey's barbershop and in which Hawkshaw "walks about" after first arriving in Jefferson (137, 141) is the same one that Faulkner's fictions usually call "courthouse square." (In the the Vintage edition of the Collected Stories, the "courthouse" is not mentioned - but it should be. The phrase "loafers that pitch dollars all day long in the clubhouse yard" [141] should say "courthouse yard," as in both the story's original publication in the American Mercury and its first reprinting in These Thirteen, both 1931.) The square is at the center of Jefferson, and of Yoknapatawpha, and of much of what happens in Faulkner's fictions. In Digital Yoknapatawpha, we also use it as the default location for events in town that cannot otherwise be identified with a place, so here it also serves as the "Location" for the narrator as he tells the story.