Lucius MacCallum
Lucius McCallum is one of Buddy McCallum's twin sons in "The Tall Men, "two absolutely identical blue-eyed youths" (49), and is mentioned as one of the "the twin McCallum nephews" of Rafe in "Knight's Gambit" (210). In the first story he and his brother Lucius play have identical histories. They are "wild as spikehorn bucks" as children (55). Later, they go to the agricultural college to learn how to raise whiteface cattle. And when their father tells them on the eve of World War II that it's their time to enlist, they obey without hesitation, becoming the third generation of soldiers in the family. (Interestingly, his first name links him to Lucius McCaslin, the patriarch of another Yoknapatawpha family that resembles the McCallums in suggestive ways.)