Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 5

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Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 5
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Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 5
Ever Present in Yoknapatawpha?: 

The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. In "Miss Zilphia Gant" the neighbors of the Gant family are, like many other groups of people in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, a nosy, gossipy bunch. When Gant's assistant goes to the local store to complain about his treatment, he finds them "gathered at the store" already talking about "the pistol incident" - that is, about Mrs. Gant borrowing a pistol before she left town that morning (370).