"Mule in the Yard", 252 (Event)
The route Snopes drives his mules is described as follows: "The path he must follow from the railroad station to his pasture crossed the edge of town near Hait's home" (252-53).
The story is dated contemporary when Faulkner wrote it, which, according to Theresa Towner and James B. Carothers in _Reading Faulkner: Collected Stories_, "is uncertain, it may have been written in the late winter or early spring of 1933-34. The story was published in August 1934 by _Scribner's_" (133). This story was later incorporated into Chapter 16 of _The Town_ and narrated by Charles Mallison. The date of this day's events in _The Town_ would be 1927, the year that Eula Varner dies.
Snopes drives mules from the railroad station to his pasture.