Environment: Place Penitentiary

Tagged Events

Environment: PlaceJail | PlacePenitentiary | Time of DayNight
Cultural Issues: AgeYouth | CrimeManslaughter
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/DeparturesJailbreak | MemoryRemembering
Relationships: FamilialFather-son
Environment: PlacePenitentiary
Actions: DomesticKnitting
Cultural Issues: LaborMenial
Relationships: SocialMentorship
Environment: PlacePenitentiary
Cultural Issues: GovernmentCorruption | LawPardon
Environment: PlacePenitentiary
Actions: VerbalThreat
Aesthetics: DictionRural vernacular
Environment: PlacePenitentiary
Themes and Motifs: Recurring TropesDoor
Environment: PlaceJail | PlacePenitentiary
Actions: ViolentMurder
Cultural Issues: LawIncarceration