Aesthetics: Genre Conventions
Child Terms
Tagged Events
Actions: Bodily›Hiccups | Verbal›Storytelling
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Tall tale | Narrative›Frame
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Injured | Hunting and Fishing
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Cats | Animals›Dogs | Arrivals/Departures›Return | Body›Face | Story-telling›Reminiscence
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Diction›Southern dialect | Genre Conventions›Tall tale | Narrative›Narrative shift | Tone›Humorous
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Loss of object | Objects›Gun | Objects›Steamboat | Past›Past vs present
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Environment: Time of Day›Dawn
Actions: Work›Law enforcement
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Bootlegging
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Genre Conventions›Minstrelsy
Environment: Domestic Space›Backyard | Domestic Space›Porch | Time of Day›Morning
Actions: Work›Law enforcement
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Figures of Speech›Simile | Genre Conventions›Minstrelsy
Environment: Domestic Space›Yard | Time of Day›Twilight
Actions: Bodily›Staring | Economic›Bargaining | Movement›Walking | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Negotiation
Themes and Motifs: Recurring Tropes›Gaze | Recurring Tropes›Twilight
Relationships: Familial›Conflict | Intergenerational›Conflict | Marital›Arrangements
Actions: Emotional›Anger | Verbal›Naming self | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Whiskey | Law›Wedding license
Relationships: Familial›Father-daughter | Marital›Conflict | Marital›Husband-wife
Environment: Atmospheric›Heat | Domestic Space›Yard | Time of Day›Morning | Time of Year›Laid-by season
Actions: Economic›Purchase | Verbal›Conversation
Relationships: Marital›Conflict | Marital›Father in law-son in law
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Genre Conventions›Minstrelsy | Tone›Humorous
Environment: Domestic Space›Architecture | Domestic Space›Dilapidation | Place›Decayed house
Cultural Issues: Gender | Group Mentality›Community collective
Relationships: Ancestral
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Monument | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Domestic Space›Architecture
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic | Recurring Episodes›Battle of Jefferson
Cultural Issues: Government›Generational reform
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic | Typography/Orthography›Handwriting
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | Clothes›Women | Government›Generational reform | Race›Hierarchical
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Water | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Domestic Space›Gender stereotype | Olfactory›Decay
Cultural Issues: Class›Class consciousness | Gender›Men vs women | Government›Generational reform | Race›Hierarchical
Relationships: Familial›Father-daughter | Intergenerational›Conflict | Romantic
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Olfactory›Decay | Time of Day›Midnight
Cultural Issues: Group Mentality›Community collective
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Monument | Figures of Speech›Shadow | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Cultural Issues: Age›Growing old | Group Mentality›Community collective
Themes and Motifs: Death
Relationships: Hierarchical›Employer-employee | Interracial›White-black | Social›Isolation
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom | Olfactory›Decay
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Formal | Clothes›Uniform | Gender›Clothing | Gender›Men vs women | Gender›Southern woman | Group Mentality›Community collective
Themes and Motifs: Body›Hair | Death›Funeral | Objects›Corpse | Objects›Crystal | Objects›Silver | Objects›Toilet set | Time›Transcended
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Face | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Atmospheric›Dust | Domestic Space›Bedroom | Olfactory›Decay
Actions: Bodily›Grinning | Perceptual›Looking
Themes and Motifs: Body›Hair | Objects›Corpse | Objects›Crystal | Objects›Silver | Objects›Toilet set | Time
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Tomb | Genre Conventions›Gothic | Typography/Orthography›Inscription
Environment: Domestic Space›Study | Time of Day›Night | Time of Year›Summer
Actions: Interaction, Social›Exposure | Violent›Murder | Work›Performance
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Disguise | Entertainment›Circus
Themes and Motifs: Character›Hubris | Psychological›Motivation
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical | Genre Conventions›Parable | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Atmospheric›Dread | Time of Day›Twilight
Actions: Interaction, Social›Gossip | Verbal›Speculation
Relationships: Commercial›Customer relations
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Atmospheric›Stillness
Actions: Mental›Uncertainty
Cultural Issues: Group Mentality›Mob behavior | Prejudice›Racism | Prejudice›White supremacy
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Domestic Space›Veranda
Actions: Verbal›Explaining
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Bandage
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Departing Yoknapatawpha
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Detective fiction
Actions: Bodily›Dying | Communication›Telephone
Relationships: Marital›Death of spouse
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Mystery | Recurring Episodes›Harriss' death
Environment: Domestic Space›Hall | Time of Year›January | Weather›Fog
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Comedy
Actions: Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Grief | Emotional›Laughing | Mental›Thinking | Violent›Fighting | Work›Law enforcement
Cultural Issues: Law›Chain gang | Law›Incarceration | Race›Black stereotype | Race›Stereotype eyes
Themes and Motifs: Character›Superhuman strength
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Dehumanizing | Genre Conventions›Minstrelsy
Actions: Violent›Animal abuse
Themes and Motifs: Community›Taboos | Death›Ambiguous circumstances
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Detective fiction
Environment: Auditory›Confused din
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Wild horses | Chaos/Order›Disorder
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Tall tale | Narrative›First-person vernacular passim
Environment: Time of Day›Morning
Actions: Agricultural›Plowing | Verbal›Dialogue | Verbal›Storytelling | Work›Farming
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Diction›Rural vernacular | Genre Conventions›Mystery
Environment: Time of Day›Morning
Relationships: Familial›Mother-son | Familial›Uncle-nephew
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Mystery
Environment: Domestic Space›Stairway | Place›Plantation
Cultural Issues: Identity, Personal | Race›Division | Race›Miscegenation | Slavery›Racialism
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Similarity | Body›Face | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Touch | Supernatural›Haunting
Relationships: Familial | Interracial
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Bird | Genre Conventions›Gothic | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Place›Plantation
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Wedding dress | Race›Etiquette
Themes and Motifs: Body›Voice | Objects›Photograph | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Dream | Recurring Tropes›Touch | Supernatural›Haunted house | Supernatural›Sickness | Supernatural›Soul / Spirit | Supernatural›Spell
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic | Metafictional | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Atmospheric›Devastation
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Absence | Recurring Tropes›Restoration / rebuilding | Supernatural›Haunted house | Supernatural›Soul / Spirit | Time›Running out | Values›Determination
Relationships: Familial
Actions: Perceptual›Listening
Themes and Motifs: Meaning›Mystery | Recurring Tropes›Fixation | Recurring Tropes›Secret
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Negation | Genre Conventions›Gothic | Narrative›Delayed revelation
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Mules | Supernatural›Haunted house
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Cultural Issues: Race
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Dogs | Animals›Mules | Supernatural›Haunted house | Supernatural›Superstitions
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Themes and Motifs: Supernatural›Haunted house
Relationships: Interracial›White-black
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›People compared to animals | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Atmospheric›Cold | Atmospheric›Dust | Olfactory›Old woman smell
Actions: Movement›Buggy | Perceptual›Tasting
Relationships: Familial›Descendants
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Breath | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Horses | Arrivals/Departures›Return home | Memory›Remembering | Past›Past in present | Time›Simultaneity of time
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Domestic Space›Gate | Olfactory›Decay
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Hatchet | Objects›Umbrella | Past›Past in present | Recurring Tropes›Secret | Supernatural›Haunted house | Time›Simultaneity of time
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Shadow | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Olfactory›Decay | Place›Decayed plantation
Actions: Emotional›Impatience
Themes and Motifs: Death | Memory›Remembering | Objects›Hatchet | Objects›Windows | Recurring Tropes›Door | Supernatural›Haunted house
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic | Metafictional›Painting
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Domestic Space›Stairway
Cultural Issues: Crime›Breaking and entering | Gender›Masculine woman | Race›Miscegenation
Themes and Motifs: Body›Skin | Objects›Keys | Objects›Matchstick | Objects›Windows | Recurring Tropes›Door | Supernatural›Haunted house
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Atmospheric›Heat | Auditory›Haunting | Time of Day›Afternoon | Time of Year›Fall
Actions: Emotional›Frustration | Perceptual›Listening | Verbal›Storytelling
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Wisteria | Past›Past in present | Supernatural›Ghost
Relationships: Intergenerational
Environment: Atmospheric›Dust | Domestic Space›Architecture | Domestic Space›Dilapidation | Time of Year›Fall | Weather›Heat
Aesthetics: Description›Character portrait | Figures of Speech›Tomb | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Atmospheric›Dark | Domestic Space›Architecture | Time of Day›Twilight
Actions: Mental›Envisioning
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Atmospheric›Gloom
Actions: Emotional›Outrage | Mental›Envisioning | Perceptual›Listening | Verbal›Storytelling
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Photograph | Story-telling | Supernatural›Ghost
Relationships: Familial
Actions: Verbal›Exaggeration | Verbal›Repetition | Verbal›Storytelling
Themes and Motifs: Story-telling›Communal mythology
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Melodrama
Actions: Bodily›Drinking | Bodily›Eating | Perceptual›Listening | Verbal›Storytelling
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Moonshine | War›World War I
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Genre Conventions›War story | Tone›Apocalyptic
Cultural Issues: War›Atrocity | War›World War I
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Melodrama
Actions: Verbal›Storytelling | Violent›Fighting
Cultural Issues: War›World War I
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›War story
Environment: Atmospheric›Spectral | Auditory›Bugle | Natural›Woods | Time of Day›Dawn | Time of Day›Midnight
Themes and Motifs: Character›Courteous | Character›Recklessness | Objects›Anchovies | Objects›Coffee
Relationships: Institutional›Military
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon | Time of Year›October | Time of Year›Sunday
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Sunday clothes | Crime›Embezzlement | Crime›Extortion
Actions: Verbal›Storytelling
Cultural Issues: War›World War I
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›War story
Actions: Bodily›Drinking | Movement›Truck | Verbal›Exaggeration | Violent›Killing in war | Violent›Shooting
Cultural Issues: War›World War I
Relationships: Institutional›Military | Interracial›White-black
Actions: Verbal›Disagreeing | Verbal›Exaggeration
Themes and Motifs: Character›Recklessness
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Tall tale
Actions: Hunting›And race | Hunting›Bear hunting | Perceptual›Hearing
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Comedy | Genre Conventions›Minstrelsy | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Emotional›Worry | Moral›Entrapment / trapping | Verbal›Explaining | Verbal›Gossip
Relationships: Familial›Uncle-nephew
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Minstrelsy
Actions: Verbal›Explaining | Verbal›Questioning
Cultural Issues: Crime›Fratricide | Crime›Theft|Robbery
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Detective fiction
Actions: Economic›Earning Money | Economic›Getting a receipt | Economic›Indebtedness | Verbal›Dialogue
Environment: Public›Road | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Bodily›Breastfeeding | Bodily›Eating | Emotional›Exasperation | Physical›Camping | Verbal›Apology | Verbal›Disagreeing
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Shawl | Entertainment›Popular culture
Relationships: Romantic›Unrequited
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Comedy
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic
Environment: Domestic Space›Bedroom
Actions: Bodily›Insomnia | Verbal›Disagreeing
Relationships: Familial›Brother-sister
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Gothic
Cultural Issues: Modernity›Modernist style
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Birds | Exile›Alienation from nature
Aesthetics: Allusion, Literary›Madame Bovary | Genre Conventions›Gothic
Actions: Interaction, Social›Ball/dance
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Moonshine | Gender›Male rivalry
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Romance / Romanticism
Environment: Time of Year›Spring
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Parody | Narrative›Temporal discontinuity
Actions: Domestic›Housekeeping | Mental›Imagining
Cultural Issues: Gender›Female in peril
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Romance / Romanticism
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Tall tale
Aesthetics: Diction›Rural vernacular | Genre Conventions›Tall tale
Cultural Issues: Education›Graduation
Aesthetics: Genre Conventions›Melodrama
Environment: Domestic Space›Cabin | Domestic Space›Gallery
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Cotton | Economy›Tenantry|Share-cropping | Race›Hierarchical | Slavery›Traditions
Aesthetics: Description›Landscape | Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Diction›Rural vernacular | Figures of Speech›Simile | Genre Conventions›Comedy | Language›Hee hee hee | Language›Profanity | Narrative›Anticipation | Narrative›Commentary | Narrative›Parentheses | Narrative›Second-person directed
Actions: Communication›Letter | Interaction, Private›Seducing | Mental›Imagining | Moral›Scheming | Physical›Meddling | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Storytelling | Violent›Throwing downstairs
Cultural Issues: Class›Aristocratic posing | Class›British nobility | Class›Elite | Clothes›Silk | Cultural Identity›North vs South | Cultural Identity›Southern identity | Education›Divinity school | Food›Pumpkin pie | Gender›Bitch | Gender›Lady | Gender›Maternal impulse | Gender›Southern woman | History›Confederacy / Confederate States of America / C.S.A. | Race›Black family working for white | Race›Subservient / Obsequious to whites | Region›The South | Slavery›Galley slave
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Flower orchid | Objects›Handkerchief | Objects›Shotgun | Recurring Tropes›Sole owner and proprietor | Recurring Tropes›Twilight | Story-telling›Communal mythology
Relationships: Familial›Mother-son | Friendship›College companions / classmates | Interracial›Master-servant | Social›Homoerotic
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Canada | Diction›African American vernacular dialect | Diction›Racist term | Figures of Speech›Synesthesia | Genre Conventions›Melodrama | Genre Conventions›Romance / Romanticism | Genre Conventions›Tall tale | Narrative›Resumption of sentence after interruption | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Tone›Overwrought | Tone›Sarcastic | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Auditory›Bells | Olfactory›Baking / bread
Actions: Economic›Gifting | Economic›Purchase | Emotional›Caring | Interaction, Private›Store owner-customer | Interaction, Private›Strangers in a public place | Interaction, Social›Charity | Moral›Judgmental | Moral›Stealing | Physical›Hiding | Verbal›Accusatory | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Questioning | Violent›Whipping
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Dirty | Ethnicity›Italian | Ethnicity›Jewish | Ethnicity›Offensive terminology | Food›Bread | Food›Cake | Food›Coffee | Gender›Femininity | Gender›Masculine woman | Gender›Stereotype librarian / school teacher | Mass Media›Newspaper | Nationality›American | Nationality›Foreigners | Nationality›Immigration|Immigrants | Prejudice
Themes and Motifs: Appearance›Librarian look | Body›Eyes | Body›Hand / Palm | Money›Nickel coin | Naming›Not knowing person or thing's name | Objects›Coffee | Objects›Ring | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Recurring Tropes›Secret
Relationships: Civic›Charity | Friendship›Adult-child | Social›Isolation
Environment: Atmospheric›Creepy | Atmospheric›Moonlit | Natural›Woods | Time of Day›Evening
Actions: Bodily›Childbirth | Bodily›Eating | Hunting›Possum | Perceptual›Looking | Verbal›Storytelling | Violent›Murder
Cultural Issues: Food›Cannibalism | Religion›Preacher / Minister | Slavery›Naming slaves | Slavery›Religion
Themes and Motifs: Body›Eyes | Death›Corpse | Memory›Remembering | Naming›Importance of naming | Naming›Renaming | Past›Family history | Past›Old days | Story-telling›Old days | Supernatural›Folklore | Supernatural›Superstitions
Relationships: Interracial›Master-slave
Environment: Time of Year›April | Time of Year›Spring
Actions: Communication›Letter | Communication›Marriage announcement | Economic›Banking | Economic›Selling | Emotional›Contempt | Interaction, Private›Domineering | Interaction, Private›Seducing | Interaction, Private›Seeking approval | Interaction, Social›Celebration | Interaction, Social›Marriage | Mental›Distrust | Mental›Learning | Movement›Car | Movement›Limousine | Physical›Driving | Verbal›Bragging | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Joking | Violent›Fighting | Violent›Hitting
Cultural Issues: Class›Elite | Class›Gentility | Class›Pretension | Clothes›Garter | Clothes›Underclothes, female | Cultural Identity›Country vs city | Cultural Identity›Southern identity | Education›Harvard | Entertainment›Circus | Gender›Marriage | Region›The South | Sexuality›Incest
Themes and Motifs: Animals›Elephants | Animals›Fleas | Body›Eyes | Body›Face | Body›Teeth | Character›Inherited traits | Character›Reputation | Community›Wedding | Futility›Failure to defend honor | Inheritance›Traits | Memory›Remembering | Money›Stingy with money | Morals›Honor | Objects›Candle | Objects›Eyeglasses | Objects›Flowers | Objects›Windows | Past›Personal past | Psychological›Obsession | Recurring Tropes›Little sister | Supernatural›Spell | Time›Abrupt shift in time | Time›Travel back in time | Values›Honor | Values›Propriety | Values›Virtue
Relationships: Familial›Mother-daughter | Familial›Mother-son | Friendship›College roommate | Hierarchical›Master-servant | Marital›Forced | Romantic›Courtship | Romantic›Fiance | Romantic›Flirtation | Sexual | Social›Adversarial | Social›Neighbor
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Harvard University | Allusion, Geographical›South Bend, Indiana | Allusion, Literary›Byron | Allusion, Literary›Poem "Don Juan" | Allusion, Literary›Poem "Marmion" | Allusion, Literary›Scott, Walter | Figures of Speech›Puppy | Figures of Speech›Simile | Genre Conventions›Romance / Romanticism | Language›Fragments | Narrative›Stream of consciousness narration | Style›Long sentence | Tone›Sarcastic | Typography/Orthography›Dialogue with no quotation marks | Typography/Orthography›Italics | Typography/Orthography›Lack of Punctuation
Environment: Atmospheric›Crowded | Domestic Space›Yard | Weather›Fog
Cultural Issues: Gender›Men vs women
Environment: Atmospheric›Moonlit | Time of Day›Night