Seconding Dotty's suggestion for group feedback and discussion
Hi all --
In addition to the questions that Dotty mentions below, I heard from Steve Knepper, who asks if we should set up a category for capturing "point-of-view" as part of a character's data, or maybe an event's data -- i.e. Barn Burning is narrated, in third person, but consistently from Sarty's point of view. I could see this becoming very important with something like As I Lay Dying, where same events are re-narrated from different points of view.
As I told Steve, that's the kind of good question we should talk about together. And Steve's question got me wondering if we want to create a character category to identify if someone is a child -- a type of figure that seems to become increasingly important to Faulkner. And if we want to try capturing that data, what should range of choices be? Child -- Adolescent -- Adult -- Senior? This is another question we should discuss. I imagine you've all starting coming up with others.
I'm happy to try any venue for "group discussion." What is your first choice?
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Thu, 2012-04-05 17:11
Hi, Everyone,
Hi, Everyone,
Having "point of view" included would be a good idea. Garrett and I both agreed that there is a flashback in "Dry September" that begs for clarification, particularly in terms of how you document it an an Event. Are there others who would want "point of view" as part of Character's data and Event's data?
Bob Coleman