Cultural Issues: Slavery Demographics
For passages that include specific numbers about the people or places involved, as when Bayard says that before the War on Sundays, there would be 10 slaves at the service for every 1 white person. SR
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- AANoSecondTerm
- Abolition
- African origins
- Amelioration
- And progress
- As cause of Civil War
- Biblical analogy
- Biblical curse
- Big house vs quarters
- Buying slaves
- Civil War
- Commodity
- Concubinage
- Courtship
- Curse
- Discipline
- Domestic labor
- Emancipation
- Etiquette
- Evil
- Family
- Field slaves vs house slaves
- Forced migration
- Freedom
- Fugitive
- Galley slave
- Growth of
- Guilt
- Housing
- Humiliation
- Imported
- Indian slave-owners
- Interracial violence
- Labor
- Legacy after emancipation
- Local origins
- Loyalty
- Manumission
- Marriage
- Metaphorical
- Middle passage
- Minstrelsy
- Miscegenation
- Music
- Naming slaves
- Nostalgia
- Ownership
- Persistence over time
- Purchase
- Quarters
- Racialism
- Re-arrangements during War
- Re-enslavement
- Religion
- Resistance
- Revolt
- Segregation of space
- Self-emancipation
- Sex
- Slave trading
- Slaves vs masters
- Slaves vs poor whites
- Social value
- Southern curse
- Traditions
- Transhistorical
- Violence
- White anxiety
Tagged Events
Environment: Time of Day›Sunday morning
Actions: Interaction, Social›Church
Cultural Issues: Slavery›Demographics
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering
Environment: Time of Day›Sunday morning
Actions: Interaction, Social›Church
Cultural Issues: Slavery›Demographics | Slavery›Religion
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering