Cultural Issues: Land-Use Loss of wilderness
Tagged Events
Environment: Atmospheric›Meteor shower | Natural›Woods | Place›Jefferson
Actions: Economic›Selling land | Economic›Trading
Cultural Issues: Class›Aristocratic posing | Class›Birthright | Class›French nobility | Cultural Identity›American | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Race›Chickasaw | Race›Native American | War›Refugee
Themes and Motifs: Exile›Dispossession | Inheritance›Property | Naming›Indian name | Naming›Renaming | Recurring Tropes›Belatedness | Recurring Tropes›Year the stars fell | Texts›Translation
Relationships: Familial›Foster family | Interracial›Indian-white
Environment: Domestic Space›Architecture | Domestic Space›Garden | Domestic Space›Plantation house | Natural›Woods | Place›Lawns | Place›Plantation | Place›Quarters | Place›Stable
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Building structure | Progress›Clearing the land | Slavery›Quarters
Cultural Issues: Age›Growing old | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Roads
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Over time
Relationships: Intergenerational›Mentor-disciple
Environment: Natural›Delta | Natural›Delta rivers
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Clearing the land | Slavery›Labor
Environment: Natural›Wilderness
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›As loss
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/Order›Creating order | Time›Travel back in time
Environment: Natural›River | Natural›Wilderness
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Time›Travel back in time
Aesthetics: Intertextuality›Heart of Darkness
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Nationality›Old vs New World | Progress›Clearing the land
Themes and Motifs: Time›Transcended | Values›Good conduct
Relationships: Interspecies›Man-nature
Environment: Atmospheric›Devastation | Natural›Wilderness
Actions: Mental›Dreaming | Mental›Remembering | Violent›Animal predatory behavior | Violent›Destructive behavior
Cultural Issues: Age›Childhood | Food›Peas | Hunting and Fishing›Local legend | Identity, Cultural›Heritage | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Clearing the land
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Aloneness | Absence/Loss›Livestock | Animals›Bear | Animals›Cows | Animals›Dogs | Animals›Horses | Animals›Pigs | Futility›Inability | Naming›Importance of naming | Naming›Not knowing person or thing's name | Objects›Ax | Objects›Saw | Recurring Tropes›Apotheosis | Recurring Tropes›Dead time | Recurring Tropes›Doom | Story-telling›Hunting
Environment: Natural›Wilderness | Place›Field
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Agricultural | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Environment: Natural›Wilderness
Actions: Hunting›Bear hunting
Cultural Issues: Age›Coming of age | Hunting and Fishing›Local legend | Identity, Cultural›Heritage | Identity, Personal›Hunter | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Livestock | Animals›Named bear Ben
Relationships: Intergenerational›Hunting party
Aesthetics: Allusion, Mythical›Priam
Cultural Issues: Economy›Property | Land-Use›Agricultural | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Slavery›Labor
Themes and Motifs: Inheritance›Property
Environment: Place›Hunting camps
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Logging | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return
Aesthetics: Narrative›Anticipation
Environment: Place›Wilderness-civilized boundary | Time of Year›Hunting season
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Relationships: Intergenerational›Hunting party
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Logging | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss
Environment: Natural›Wilderness | Place›Wilderness-civilized boundary
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Logging | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Leaving home
Actions: Hunting›Deer hunting | Movement›Train
Cultural Issues: Hunting and Fishing›Trophy | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Past›Past vs present
Environment: Atmospheric›Doom | Natural›Wilderness | Place›Wilderness-civilized boundary
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Past›Past vs present | Recurring Tropes›Doom
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Time›Being outside of time
Relationships: Intergenerational›Hunting party | Intergenerational›Mentor-disciple
Environment: Place›Wilderness-civilized boundary
Cultural Issues: Age›Growing old | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Roads
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Over time | Past›Past vs present
Relationships: Intergenerational›Hunting party | Intergenerational›Mentor-disciple
Environment: Natural›Delta | Natural›Delta rivers
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Clearing the land | Slavery›Labor
Themes and Motifs: Past›Past vs present
Environment: Natural›Wilderness
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Materialism›Machinery or mechanical references
Themes and Motifs: Time›Travel back in time
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›As loss
Themes and Motifs: Time›Travel back in time
Cultural Issues: Age›Youth vs age | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Land-Use›Ownership | Nationality›Old vs New World | Progress›Clearing the land
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Time›Transcended | Values›Good conduct
Relationships: Interspecies›Man-nature
Actions: Bodily›Panting | Perceptual›Moment of vision
Cultural Issues: Cultural Identity›Country vs city | Identity, Cultural›South vs North | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Race›Segregation | Sexuality›Interracial
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Absence | Chaos/Order›Social order|disorder
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Frontier to civilization | Progress›Technological
Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical›Hare | Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Place›Jail | Time of Year›Christmas | Time of Year›July Fourth | Time of Year›Juneteenth | Time of Year›New Year | Time of Year›Thanksgiving
Actions: Agricultural›Milking a cow | Legal›Bailing out | Work›Yard work
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Hangover | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›As loss | Progress›Electrification | Progress›Neon lights | Progress›New replacing old
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Arrival in Yoknapatawpha
Relationships: Interracial›Master-servant
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Building structure | Slavery›Imported | Slavery›Labor
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Arrival in Yoknapatawpha
Environment: Natural›Wilderness
Actions: Interaction, Social›Frontier life
Cultural Issues: History›Colonization | History›Frontier outlawry | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Disappearance | Absence/Loss›Vanishing Indian
Relationships: Familial›Parents-children | Interracial›White-black | Marital›Husband-wife | Sexual›Extramarital
Cultural Issues: History›Indian Removal | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Clearing the land
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Logging | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness
Environment: Place›Hunting camps | Place›River-bottom | Time of Year›Hunting season
Cultural Issues: Class›Elite | Hunting and Fishing›Ritual | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Law›Property
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Recurring Episodes›De Spain creates camp
Environment: Place›Hunting camps | Place›Railroad log line | Time of Day›Sunset | Time of Year›Hunting season
Cultural Issues: Hunting and Fishing›Ritual | Land-Use›Logging | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Modernity›Changing customs
Cultural Issues: Hunting and Fishing›Ritual | Land-Use›Logging | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Infrastructure
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Actions: Hunting›Setting up camp | Movement›Truck
Cultural Issues: Hunting and Fishing›Ritual | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Clearing the land | Progress›Infrastructure | Progress›Roads
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Cultural Issues: Hunting and Fishing›Ritual | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Cars | Progress›Roads
Environment: Place›Fishing camp
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Corn | Agriculture›Cotton | Alcohol›Bootlegging | Hunting and Fishing›Annual | Land-Use›Agricultural | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›New replacing old | Progress›Renaming
Aesthetics: Narrative›Second-person directed
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Infrastructure | Progress›Renaming
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Narrative›Second-person directed
Environment: Auditory›Nature | Domestic Space›Boarding house | Domestic Space›Loft | Time of Day›Night
Actions: Emotional›Laughing | Perceptual›Listening
Cultural Issues: Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›Frontier to civilization | Progress›Renaming
Themes and Motifs: Past›Yoknapatawpha founders
Relationships: Friendship›Racial
Aesthetics: Narrative›Anticipation