Cultural Issues: Age Childhood

Tagged Events

Environment: Domestic SpaceGarden
Actions: PlayChildren playing
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsToys
Relationships: FamilialAunt-nephew
Actions: MentalFantasizing
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Environment: PlacePlantation | Time of YearSummer
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: Absence/LossAbsence
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | CrimePenalty for | SlaverySouthern curse
Themes and Motifs: CharacterInnocence
Relationships: Familial
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Relationships: MaritalElopement
Actions: PhysicalTravel
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: BodyFace | CharacterInexperience | TimePermanence
Relationships: FamilialOrphan
Aesthetics: LanguageFrench
Actions: EmotionalFury | EmotionalHate
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: PastPast in present | Recurring TropesRevenge
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Aesthetics: Allusion, MythicalDemon
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: Memory | Recurring TropesRevenge
Relationships: FamilialMother-son
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechDisease
Environment: AtmosphericClaustrophobic
Actions: BodilyChildbirth | EmotionalHate
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | ClassRespectability | Gender
Themes and Motifs: DeathIn childbirth
Relationships: Familial
Actions: BodilyDrinking
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: MemoryRemembering
Environment: Domestic SpacePorch
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: BodyBlood | Death
Relationships: FamilialParents-children
Environment: NaturalTrees
Themes and Motifs: AnimalsBirds | ObjectsFlowers | TimeAnd change
Relationships: InterspeciesMan-nature
Environment: Domestic SpaceGarden
Actions: PlayChildren playing
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsToys
Relationships: FamilialAunt-nephew
Environment: WeatherFlood
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Relationships: InterracialMammy-child
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Actions: MoralScheming
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | ClassElite | ClassRespectability
Themes and Motifs: ValuesMoral authority
Aesthetics: Figures of SpeechMetaphor
Actions: MoralLying | MoralScheming
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: ValuesVirtue
Relationships: HierarchicalChild as authority
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: ValuesVirtue
Environment: PlaceCity | Time of DaySunday
Actions: MovementWalking
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | CrimeProstitution
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | AgeOld age
Environment: PublicCafe
Actions: BodilyEating | VerbalExplaining
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | FoodIce-cream | SexualityPornography | WarWorld War I
Themes and Motifs: CharacterNaivety
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood
Themes and Motifs: Chaos/OrderWildness | FutilityNothing to do
Actions: VerbalListen
Cultural Issues: AgeChildhood | WarGlorification
Themes and Motifs: ObjectsCannon