Environment: Place Jail
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Artist's studio
- Bakery
- Barn
- Bedroom
- Blacksmith shop
- Boundary
- Brothel / Bordello
- Cabin
- Campsite
- Capital
- Capitol
- Cemetery
- Church
- City
- Classroom
- Commisary
- Corral
- Cotillion Club
- Cottonfield
- Country club
- Country store
- Country vs city
- Courtroom
- Crime scene
- Decayed house
- Decayed plantation
- Dirt lane
- Ditch
- Drugstore / pharmacy
- Factory|Plant
- Farm
- Farm
- Field
- Fishing camp
- Foyer
- Frenchman's Bend
- Frontier
- Gallows
- Gambling house
- Gas station
- Gate
- Ghetto
- Grave
- Graveyard
- Greenbury hotel
- Grocery
- Haystack
- History
- Hospital
- Hotel
- Hotel kitchen
- Houses
- Hovel
- Hunting camps
- Indian agency
- Indian mound
- Jefferson
- Lane
- Lavatory
- Lawns
- Library
- Livery stable
- Lonelier parts of town
- Lot
- Mars
- McCaslin-Edmonds plantation
- Medical practice
- Memphis
- Military camp
- Mill
- Monastery
- Moon
- Motordrome
- Negro district
- Newspaper office
- Office
- Official office
- Okatoba
- Old Jefferson
- Orphanage
- Outlaw country
- Paducah
- Park
- Pawn shop
- Penitentiary
- Plantation
- Playground
- Pond
- Poorhouse
- Power Plant
- Quarters
- Railroad
- Railroad log line
- River-bottom
- Road
- Rural
- Saloon
- Sawmill
- School, segregated
- Seedy parts of town
- Seminary
- Sheriff's office
- Shrubbery
- Slave market
- Slave Quarters
- Smokehouse
- Speakeasy
- Spring
- Stable
- Stone wall
- Tavern
- Tent
- Vacant house
- Vacant lot
- Well|Wellhouse
- Wilderness-civilized boundary
- Yoknapatawpha Beat
Tagged Events
Actions: Interaction, Social›Making progress
Cultural Issues: Progress›Frontier to civilization | Slavery›Fugitive
Cultural Issues: Age›Youth | Law›Legal document
Themes and Motifs: Memory›Remembering | Texts›Case file
Relationships: Familial›Grandparent-grandchild
Environment: Place›Country vs city | Place›Jail
Cultural Issues: Age›Adolescence | Crime›Breaking and entering
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Leaving home | Memory›Remembering
Environment: Place›Jail | Place›Penitentiary | Time of Day›Night
Cultural Issues: Age›Youth | Crime›Manslaughter
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Jailbreak | Memory›Remembering
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Grief | Emotional›Laughing | Mental›Thinking | Violent›Fighting | Work›Law enforcement
Cultural Issues: Law›Chain gang | Law›Incarceration | Race›Black stereotype | Race›Stereotype eyes
Themes and Motifs: Character›Superhuman strength
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Dehumanizing | Genre Conventions›Minstrelsy
Actions: Emotional›Crying | Emotional›Grief | Emotional›Laughing | Mental›Thinking | Violent›Fighting | Work›Law enforcement
Cultural Issues: Law›Chain gang | Law›Incarceration | Race›Black incarceration | Race›Stereotype eyes
Themes and Motifs: Character›Superhuman strength
Aesthetics: Narrative›Perspective
Environment: Place›Jail | Time of Day›Night
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Disappearance | Arrivals/Departures›Jailbreak
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Actions: Legal›Standing guard | Movement›Walking
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss
Actions: Moral›Grave-digging or -violating | Violent›Lynch mob
Cultural Issues: Race›White supremacists
Relationships: Familial›Mother-son
Cultural Issues: Crime›Bootlegging
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Return home
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Pistol | Time›Abrupt shift in time
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses
Environment: Place›Jail | Time of Day›Noon | Time of Year›Sunday
Actions: Interaction, Social›Gossip | Legal›Charge/accuse | Violent›Murder
Cultural Issues: Race›Black incarceration
Environment: Place›Jail | Time of Day›Dusk
Actions: Mental›Envisioning | Physical›Walking
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Environment: Place›Jail | Public›Street | Time of Day›Sunday morning
Actions: Mental›Thinking | Movement›Car | Movement›Walking | Verbal›Cursing | Verbal›Ordering | Verbal›Threat | Verbal›Warning
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Environment: Place›Jail | Public›Town Square
Actions: Communication›Engrave | Perceptual›Sensing the past
Actions: Emotional›Calm | Emotional›Exasperation | Emotional›Waiting | Emotional›Worry | Legal›Standing guard | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Cursing | Violent›Lynch mob
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Diction›Southern dialect | Narrative›Parentheses
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Cultural Issues: Race›Segregation
Aesthetics: Diction›Southern dialect
Aesthetics: Narrative›Narrative shift | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Cultural Issues: Race›Race as a form of behavior
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Actions: Economic›Paying | Emotional›Exasperation | Legal›Counsel | Perceptual›Looking | Violent›Lynch mob | Violent›Murder
Cultural Issues: Law›Eyewitness | Law›Miscarriage of justice
Relationships: Commercial›Business partners
Cultural Issues: Crime›Murder | Race›Race as a form of behavior
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Place›Jail | Time of Day›Night
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Actions: Emotional›Outrage | Verbal›Conversation
Relationships: Intergenerational›Obligation | Interracial›Child-adult
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Actions: Moral›Grave-digging or -violating | Verbal›Conversation
Aesthetics: Diction›African American vernacular dialect
Actions: Emotional›Rage | Moral›Grave-digging or -violating | Verbal›Conversation
Relationships: Hierarchical›Elder-younger
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Place›Jail | Public›Town Square | Time of Day›Nine o'clock p.m. | Time of Year›Saturday
Cultural Issues: Crime›Bootlegging
Aesthetics: Diction›Southern dialect
Environment: Domestic Space›Cabin | Domestic Space›House | Domestic Space›Supper table | Domestic Space›Yard | Place›Jail | Public›Town Square
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Departure
Environment: Place›Jail | Place›Sheriff's office | Public›Restaurant | Public›Street | Public›Train Station/Train depot
Actions: Bodily›Bleeding | Bodily›Eating | Bodily›Looking | Movement›Walking | Verbal›Cursing | Verbal›Gossip | Verbal›Threat | Verbal›Yelling | Violent›Hitting
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Actions: Verbal›Confession
Cultural Issues: Law›Incarceration
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Of loved one | Death›Burial | Objects›Razor
Relationships: Marital›Death of spouse
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Mannie's death | Recurring Episodes›Rider in jail
Actions: Communication›Graffiti
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Historical
Themes and Motifs: Past›Past in present | Texts›Graffiti
Cultural Issues: Slavery›Self-emancipation
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term
Environment: Place›Jail | Time of Year›Christmas | Time of Year›July Fourth | Time of Year›Juneteenth | Time of Year›New Year | Time of Year›Thanksgiving
Actions: Agricultural›Milking a cow | Legal›Bailing out | Work›Yard work
Cultural Issues: Health and Illness›Hangover | Land-Use›Loss of wilderness | Progress›As loss | Progress›Electrification | Progress›Neon lights | Progress›New replacing old
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Arrival in Yoknapatawpha
Relationships: Interracial›Master-servant
Actions: Domestic›Cooking | Perceptual›Sensing the past
Cultural Issues: Cultural Identity›North vs South
Themes and Motifs: Past›Discovering it
Relationships: Friendship›Adult friends
Themes and Motifs: Arrivals/Departures›Departing Yoknapatawpha | Past›Discovering it
Relationships: Romantic›Love at first sight
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Narrative›Second-person directed | Typography/Orthography›Dash
Environment: Domestic Space›Kitchen | Place›Jail
Cultural Issues: War›Return from war
Themes and Motifs: Past›Past in present | Values›Imagination
Relationships: Familial›Husband-wife | Friendship›Adult friends
Aesthetics: Allusion, Biblical›Lilith | Allusion, Historical›Bernhardt, Sarah | Allusion, Historical›Duse, Eleonora | Allusion, Historical›Emperor Maximilian | Allusion, Historical›Lind, Jenny | Allusion, Historical›Mark Twain | Allusion, Historical›Mistinguett | Allusion, Mythical›Erinys | Narrative›Alternative story | Narrative›Parentheses | Narrative›Second-person directed | Typography/Orthography›Dash | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Place›Jail | Time of Day›Ten o'clock a.m. | Time of Year›March
Actions: Bodily›Miscarriage | Moral›Forgiveness | Verbal›Conversation | Verbal›Garrulousness | Verbal›Questioning | Verbal›Singing
Cultural Issues: Race›Stereotype: smell | Religion›Religious faith | Sexuality›Promiscuity | Violence›Domestic
Themes and Motifs: Philosophical›Salvation | Recurring Tropes›Door | Recurring Tropes›Tomorrow and tomorrow
Relationships: Familial›Motherhood | Hierarchical›Employer-employee | Interracial›Mammy-child | Marital›Husband-wife
Environment: Place›Jail | Time of Day›Midnight
Actions: Bodily›Smoking | Domestic›Child care | Economic›Sex as payment | Emotional›Confident | Emotional›Exhaustion | Verbal›Conversation
Themes and Motifs: Objects›Baby bottle | Objects›Cigar
Aesthetics: Typography/Orthography›Dash
Environment: Place›Jail | Place›Penitentiary
Cultural Issues: Law›Incarceration