Location Frequency Table
Listed here are the Locations that appear in 3 or more of the Yoknapatawpha fictions, organized by the number of texts they appear in. The total for the first location on the list - the Courthouse and Square at the center of Jefferson - includes the 17 instances when the editors of Digital Yoknapatawpha could not identify a more specific place in Jefferson as the Location of an Event, such as when we assume a first-person narrator is located somewhere in the town, or "the town" itself is telling a story, or the text simply refers to the town generically, as when the federal agent in "The Tall Men" says he will "take these men back to Jefferson" (53). In any given text, this Location may be used in more than one of these ways, but the Type field in the Location Search engine allows you to disambiguate them as "Courthouse and Square," "Courthouse Trial," "Courthouse Office," or "Jefferson Event."